Understanding Spiritual Beings: The Secrets of Rosicrucianism and the Work of Dr. Robert Gilbert

Understanding Spiritual Beings- A Dive into the Secrets of Rosicrucianism and the Profound Teachings of Dr. Robert Gilbert

Dr. Robert Gilbert is a leading authority on the teachings of Rosicrucianism, with over 25 years of dedicated study and practice in the traditional European Rosicrucian and Holy Grail Traditions.

Rosicrucianism is the spiritual philosophy of an ancient mystical order that emerged in the early 17th century. The teachings of Rosicrucianism are deeply embedded in esotericism, with a strong emphasis on the pursuit of spiritual development and enlightenment. Central to Rosicrucian teachings is the concept of balance and harmony, which Gilbert highlights in his discussions.

Dr. Gilbert encourages his students not to see the journey of existence as a struggle between good and evil, but rather as a quest for balance between different aspects of our consciousness. This perspective allows us to approach our spiritual development with a nuanced understanding, fostering growth and self-empowerment.

The Tree of Life in Rosicrucianism

The Kabbalistic Tree of Life has many symbolic secrets hidden within it. As a pivotal symbol in Rosicrucianism, it serves as a representation of a cosmic spiritual hierarchy, and acts as an esoteric blueprint for comprehending both the universe and the human psyche. The Tree of Life consists of ten spheres, or sephiroth, connected by 22 paths. Each sphere represents a particular aspect of creation, while the paths signify the relationships between these aspects. Moreover, the Tree also contains within it what are known as the three pillars, each associated with a specific type of spiritual being.

Dr. Gilbert emphasizes that the Tree of Life holds a profound wealth of encoded information, encompassing energy anchors crucial for human consciousness. According to Gilbert, this symbol epitomizes the equilibrium between diverse spiritual forces. The two pillars flanking the center, referred to as the Pillars of Mercy and Severity, symbolize duality, representing the contrasting polarities of reality, akin to the concept of yin and yang. In contrast, the central pillar, known as the Pillar of Mildness or simply the Middle Pillar, is symbolic of BALANCE and serves as the path leading to spiritual enlightenment. Notably, it is the only path on the Tree that directly connects the bottom, Malkuth (symbolizing the Kingdom or Earth), with the top, Kether (representing the Crown or God).

Three Essential Stages of Spiritual Discernment

In the Rosicrucian tradition, it is believed that spiritual beings influence our lives in various ways. They can impact our thoughts, feelings, actions, and even our physical environment.

One of the vital aspects of Dr. Gilbert’s teachings is the discernment of spiritual beings. He delves into the profound understanding of these entities, their influences on human consciousness, and how they connect with us on spiritual levels.

According to Dr. Gilbert, understanding spiritual beings requires spiritual discernment, a process that can be divided into three essential stages:

1. Differentiating the Conscious Self from the Reactive Self

The first stage involves differentiating our conscious self from our reactive self. This differentiation is foundational to one’s spiritual development. 

According to Gilbert, our conscious self contains our free will and our ability to be fully aware of our actions. On the other hand, our reactive self is triggered by external factors and often leads to detrimental patterns of behavior. Gilbert advises his students to differentiate between these two selves as a crucial first step in spiritual development.

2. Recognizing External Spiritual Beings

Recognizing external spiritual influences is the second stage in Gilbert’s teachings. He explains that external spiritual beings often influence our thoughts and actions, and understanding this helps us differentiate our self-generated impulses from those coming from such beings.

3. Differentiating the Types of External Spiritual Beings

The third stage involves differentiating the types of external spiritual beings that influence us. Dr. Gilbert identifies three primary types of spiritual beings, each associated with a different pillar on the Tree of Life. He calls these beings: Luciferic beings, Ahrimanic beings, and Christic beings. Each type of spiritual being has a unique influence on human consciousness and can either advance or hinder our spiritual development.

The Need for a Minimum Threefold Differentiation and the Dichotomy Trap of Good vs. Evil

Spiritual beings often find themselves categorized into oversimplified binaries like good and evil or light and dark. This reductionist approach is a deviation from the wisdom of the ancients, which upheld the necessity of a minimum threefold differentiation.

According to Dr. Gilbert, to properly understand the complex dynamics of spiritual beings, we need to break free from the good bad dichotomy. This simplistic binary classification leaves no room for understanding spiritual beings in their totality, often leading to misconceptions. Spiritual beings are more complex than merely the embodiment of good or evil; they represent various polarities of existence, each playing a distinct role in our spiritual evolution.

A Tale of Two Devils: The Secret of Lucifer and Ahriman

The name ‘Lucifer’ translates to ‘light bringer’ in old Latin. In pre-Christian times, the name was associated with the morning appearance of the planet Venus, and was also known as the ‘dawn bringer’ or ‘morning star.’ Over time, the name became absorbed into Christianity, and eventually became another name for the Devil.

Luciferic beings are spirits of tremendous light, but do not mistake them for angels. Excessive light can be just as blinding as pure darkness. Luciferic beings can appear angelic to the untrained eye due to their association with ‘light.’ However, their influence can lead the unaware toward spiritual illusions rather than direct perception of spiritual realities. Hence, Luciferic beings are often associated with distortion, delusion, escaping reality, and unhealthy excesses of the spiritual side. 

Opposing the Luciferic beings are the spirits of Ahriman, but just who is Ahriman?

The name Ahriman comes to us from the ancient Zoroastrian tradition, where he was recognized as the primary adversary of the Zoroastrian’s highest deity, Ahura Mazda. Ahriman was the personification of evil, chaos, and destruction in the Zoroastrian tradition. He was considered to be a dark being residing within the Earth, whose malevolent influence dragged humanity’s consciousness downwards. In Zoroastrianism, he represented the embodiment of all that opposed goodness and sought to bring harm and disorder to the world. Sound familiar?

Ahrimanic spirits pull our consciousness downwards and influence us to become excessively materialistic, leading us to either completely disregard the spiritual aspects of existence entirely, or to use spirituality in dark and manipulative ways, such as the practice of black magick.

The Evolution of Ahriman: From Zoroastrianism to Christianity

The concept of Ahriman underwent significant transformation across time and various civilizations. In the Egyptian tradition, the being the Zoroastrians called ‘Ahriman’ was embodied by the god the Egyptians called ‘Set’. As the ancient Hebrews left Egypt, they adopted this concept into their own tradition, transforming Set into Ha-Sa-tan, meaning ‘the adversary’. Like Lucifer, the name Ha-Sa-tan was eventually absorbed into Christianity as another name for the Devil, this time under the name of Satan.

In modern Christianity, Satan and Lucifer are considered one and the same, but our ancestors knew them as two completely different entities who were known to be polar opposites of one another.  

A theological confusion arises when the distinct entities of Lucifer (the light bringer) and Satan (the prince of darkness) are mixed up, which leads to a conflation that doesn’t make sense anymore. This amalgamation of different spiritual forces into a simple twofold dichotomy limits our understanding of the spiritual spectrum, and this is what gives rise to the need for a minimum threefold differentiation.

The Christic Beings of the Middle Path

Amidst the opposing polarities of Luciferic and Ahrimanic forces, lies the balance – the Christic beings. As their name would suggest, these beings are associated with Christ, and represent harmony and the middle path. They are the epitome of balance and stability, guiding us towards spiritual enlightenment while keeping us firmly rooted and grounded in reality.

In the Rosicrucian tradition, Christic beings are also referred to as Michaelic beings, drawing connections to Michael, the archangel most frequently mentioned in the texts of the Abrahamic religions. These beings are the true spirits that most embody what Christianity would call ‘angels’, and represent the archetype of the middle path, embodying the perfect balance between spiritual and material polarities.

The concept of the middle path is integral to Rosicrucian teachings. This path represents the balanced way, the golden sweet spot between the extremes of the Luciferic and Ahrimanic influences. Walking this path necessitates maintaining a balance between light and darkness, and between spirituality and life in the material world.

Influences on Human Consciousness: A Constant Dynamic

Dr. Gilbert elaborates that our consciousness is continuously influenced by these various spiritual beings. The invisible Luciferic and Ahrimanic beings constantly sway our consciousness in one direction or another. Conversely, the Christic beings are also eternally connecting with us, guiding us toward balance and spiritual growth.

Our connection to these beings is through resonance. Our thoughts and feelings have an energetic frequency that resonates with similar frequencies in other realms of existence. Dark, materialistic thoughts connect us with Ahrimanic beings, while a strong desire for spiritual ecstasy without grounding connects us with Luciferic beings.

The spiritual path is fraught with tests and tribulations. It is common for individuals embarking on this journey to be approached by Luciferic beings, tempting them through ego inflation and illusions of grandeur. Recognizing these illusions and maintaining a sense of humility is crucial for spiritual growth and staying on the middle path.

Finding Balance and Embracing the Threefold Differentiation

The teachings of Dr. Robert Gilbert provide a profound understanding of spiritual beings and their influences on human consciousness. He encourages us not to see the journey as a struggle between good and evil, but rather as a quest for balance between different aspects of our consciousness. This perspective allows us to approach our spiritual development with a nuanced understanding, fostering growth and self-empowerment.

Understanding the threefold differentiation is fundamental to our spiritual evolution. The key lies in recognizing the intricate balance between Luciferic, Ahrimanic, and Christic beings, and integrating their wisdom into our lives. The realm of spiritual beings is vast and complex. But with careful discernment and a balanced approach, we learn to appreciate the light without being blinded, understand the darkness without being consumed, and walk the middle path with grace and humility.

Click here to learn more about Dr. Robert Gilbert and his work

To learn even more about the Rosicrucians, Manly P. Hall’s “The Secret Teachings of All Ages” is a great place to start, which you can find here

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